Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd, Hope RI
Saturday, April 12th , 2025
10:00am – 12:30pm

Get excited! Spring is here! We will be having two
demonstrations to put us in the ROSE MOOD! Lynne will be demonstrating on “Pruning” and Mike Chute will be showing us “How to Grow Roses in Containers.” What a great way to
start the Rose season. Payment for show sponsors is due at the April Meeting. We will have a snack table, so bring your favorite to share! Bring a Friend!
Check your e-mail and the RIRS.org web site for up-to-date meeting detail. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com if you’re not yet on the RIRS e-mail listserv. Please check your mailing
label on the reverse for your membership expiration date.

RIRS Annual Meeting
March 8 , 2025
Shepherd of the Valley
604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope/Scituate, RI
This meeting includes the installation of our new officers, bronze medal award and annual reports as well as cake to celebrate our 27th(?) anniversary.
“Gardening Is Murder”
Neal Sanders

As the spouse of an avid and accomplished gardener with no ‘real’ responsibilities other than to dig holes and move rocks, Neal has lots of time to observe gardeners and their foibles. Today, he will share some of those observations in a talk – ‘Gardening Is Murder’ – that he guarantees will be unlike any gardening lecture you have ever heard. Neal is the author of 15 mysteries, many of which use garden club or horticultural settings and all of which feature strong, independent women.
He writes ‘The Principal Undergardener’ blog, which addresses gardening as a
non-gardener who loves gardens.
Note: Neal will be selling his books after his presentation – he prefers check for purchase of

February Rhode Island Rose Society Zoom Meeting
Rhode Island Rose Society Meeting
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Zoom Presentation – Link to be sent by Google groups

Pull up a chair and a cup of coffee and join us for our February Zoom meeting without leaving home. This agenda will include a short business meeting and the election of officers followed by a PowerPoint presentation by Jim Sproul, a well-regarded rose hybridizer whose objectives are to produce novel roses with disease resistance. His program, “Rose Hybridizing Made Easy” explains how new roses are created and how you can make your very own one-of-kind new roses at home.

January Zoom meeting:
CR credit for fertilizer presentation

Gaye is the Past President of the Houston Rose Society. She is a life member and patron of American Rose Society and serves on the Marketing Committee of the national organization. Gaye is also the study liaison between the Houston Rose Society and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in connection with EarthKind® Rose Research
Gaye is an entertaining speaker and an avid writer of more than 300 articles that have been published in local, state, national and international magazines and
newspapers. She has co-authored a peer-reviewed journal article on Earth-Kind
Roses published in
2009 in Floriculture & Ornamental Biotechnology, a chapter in The Sustainable Rose
Garden and authored a chapter in the book, Gulf Coast Gardening.

Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope (western Cranston) RI
Saturday, December 14th, 2024
10:00 – 12:30
Members and their guests only for this meeting

Here’s your chance to support our Society members who create beautiful works of art available for purchase. Please join us as they demonstrate their crafts for us – bring your family and friends! Our 2025 Calendars will also be distributed, with payment due at this meeting. There is always a groaning board of delicious holiday treats, so bring your favorite finger food and recipe ! Here is your opportunity to talk about your rose successes this year too !

Rhode Island Rose Society Meeting
Saturday, November 9, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Weaver Library: 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI
Join us to celebrate autumn! After a short business meeting Mike and Angelina Chute will present their “The Brownells: American Rose Pioneers” program. This presentation follows the Brownells’ pioneer development of sustainable roses and explains how they successfully created roses with a distinctly American character to satisfy the unmet needs of the colder regions of the country. A century later, Sub-Zero© roses remain popular and the Brownell legacy continues to influence contemporary rose breeders.
This is the final chance to order RIRS calendars.

Annual Calendar Photo Contest
October 10, 2024
Weaver Library
41 Grove Ave, East Providence

The grand prize winner gets a free calendar, their photo featured on the month of their choice
and their photo on the home page of the RIRS for the year
2023 Grand Prize Winner
“Rose Arches at Rosarie de L’Hay”
by Angelina & Mike Chute
Time to look through your phone and computer for photos you have taken of roses, rose gardens and rose events. All styles of photos are welcome including macros and abstracted. Six photo entries are allowed per membership. Remember that the 12 highest winners will be featured on the months of our calendar so horizontal photos are preferred but not required. The only limitation is that you cannot send one you have entered in RIRS before. You can however, use photos that have been entered elsewhere
The photos can be emailed as full size high resolution attachments to patsygc@gmail.com, or they can be easily uploaded to dropbox (see our Google listserv for link). All photos are due by October 9. Please name your files with rose name and your name/initials like Peace PC.jpg.
Everyone who enters will have photos in the calendar!
Check your mailing label for your membership expiration date
ARS National Convention – website: https://seaofroses.org
Crowne Plaza
Warwick, RI
September 9-13

Annual Potluck and Awards Meeting
Aspray Boat House
2 East View St., Pawtuxet Village, Warwick, RI 02888
Saturday, August 10, 2024
12:00pm – 4:00pm
Our Annual Members Potluck Luncheon by Narragansett Bay ! Please join us as we share food and stories about our favorite roses ! Lynne will read a couple of selections from “A Rose by Any Name” by Stephen Scanniello. A recap of our 2024 RIRS Rose Show will be offered and Class winners noted. Nancy will circulate an e-mail to the listserv to garner food contributions. Check your e-mail and the RIRS.org web site for up-to-date meeting detail.
If you have extra plants of any sort, bring them to give away or trade
Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com if you’re not yet on the RIRS e-mail listserv. Please check your mailing label on the reverse for your membership expiration date.

Saturday, July 13, 2024
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope (western Cranston) RI
10:00 – 12:30 pm
Roses are especially thirsty in the heat of summer and require lots of water. If you live in RI, your water may come from the Scituate Reservoir, but at what cost to this rural town? Did you know 5 villages were condemned and dismantled to build this needed water source and watershed? Local historian Ray Wolf will present a fascinating program on “The Lost Villages of Scituate and Building the Scituate Reservoir.” Prior to Ray’s presentation, there will be a recap of our 25th Rose Show and a brief business meeting. Snacks are always welcome.
Keep an eye on the RIRS listserv and RIRS.org website for updates. Please check your mailing label for your membership expiration date. To renew, send $20 to RIRS ℅ Linda Joslin, 1 Gilcrest Dr., West Warwick, RI 02933

JUNE 8 2024
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope (western Cranston) RI

Saturday, May 11th , 2024
10:00am – 12:30pm

It’s almost here ! Please join us as we review our 25 th RIRS Rose
Show schedule and give you some tips to win that Queen of Show
at next month’s 25 th Silver Celebration ! We will offer grooming tips
for your rose blooms and some advice for creating fabulous
Arrangements. We’ll show you how to flll out the entry forms and
answer whatever questions you have. Think you can’t win ? As
Nancy says, if you grow ‘em, you can show ‘em ! Please bring a
food item to share, last month’s buffet was astounding !
Keep an eye on the RIRS listserv and RIRS.org web site for the
most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy
at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv. Please check
your mailing label for your membership expiration date.

Saturday, April 13th , 2024
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope (western Cranston) RI
10:00am – 12:30pm
Spring is finally here ! We’ll be sharing tips for Opening your Rose
Garden. Mike will be sharing the best way to plant your new roses
in-ground or in a pot, Lynne will be providing some Fertilizer
possibilities, Patsy will be discussing Raised Beds, and Baldo from
Sacramento will be telling us about some insects found in your

Please consider bringing a food item to share, gluten-free
items are most welcome – we’ll have some liquids. And if you have
any “Door Prize” roses that you’re recycling, bring them to share.
Keep an eye on the RIRS listserv and RIRS.org web site for the
most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy
at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv.

SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Join us to celebrate our 26th anniversary! Come enjoy some cake and welcome our new slate of officers. Along with the annual President’s and Treasurer’s reports, the 2023 RIRS Bronze Honor Medal will be awarded and there will be a Rose Show update.

Mike and Angelina Chute will present their “French Gardens & More” program based on their recent trip to France. Visit rose gardens in peak bloom as well as the Normandy beaches, the American Cemetery and Point Du Hoc. See famous sites in Paris as we explore France without leaving home.

Saturday, February 10 th , 2024
Zoom – your location
10:00am – 12:30pm

Erin Achenbach, Farmer-Florist at What Cheer Flower Farm in
Olneyville, Providence, will be discussing their exciting new plans for revitalizing this former factory land into new gardens !
Immediately following will be Elissa Della Piana’s enchanting
“Beauty of the Winter Garden” presentation. We will be electing Officers for 2024-2025. we will also be ordering RIRS themed clothing and Rose Show Sponsor lists will also be offered, please support ! Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv.

Saturday, December 9 th , 2023
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd
Hope (western Cranston line), RI
10:00am – 12:30pm

Can you believe it’s our last meeting of the year ? Please join us as we celebrate another one gone, along with member’s recollections about this year’s roses. This is also the chance to show off your best cookie with a tasting and swap and we hope, your recipe !
We’ll have some Door Prizes and the 2024 Rose calendars will be
on-site for payment and pick-up.
Keep an eye on the RIRS listserv for the most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv.

Saturday, November 11 th , 2023
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd Hope (western Cranston line), RI
10:00am – 12:30pm
Our Veteran’s Day meeting will feature Frank’s Tool Time Special, so bring your favorite tool to share for Show and Tell and Frank will tell you how to keep it in tip top shape ! Mike will be giving us tips about how to close our gardens for the winter – to prune or not to prune – ask those thorny questions ! And bring your best Chili or side dish to our annual Chili Cook-off ! All options and styles and desserts are welcome, we’ll have power for crockpots. Please mind the RIRS listserv and our RIRS.org web site for the most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv. Please check your mailing label for your membership expiration date.

Saturday, October 14
10 AM – 12:30 PM
Riverside Library
475 Bullocks Point Ave, Riverside, RI 02915

Time to look through your phone and computer for photos you have taken of roses, rose gardens and rose events. All styles of photos are welcome including macros and abstracted. Six photo entries are allowed per membership. Remember that the 12 highest winners will be featured on the months of our calendar so horizontal photos are preferred but not required. The photos can be emailed as full size high resolution attachments to patsygc@gmail.com, or they can be easily uploaded to dropbox (see our Google listserv for link). You can also send me a thumbdrive if you prefer. All photos are due by October 7. Please name your files with rose name and your name/initials like Peace PC.jpg.
Everyone who enters will have photos in the calendar!
The photos will be presented in a Powerpoint. You need to be present at the meeting to vote

Six pack rose show meeting
september 9: 10-12:30
shepherd of the valley church
604 seven mile road, hope, ri

ENTER our Annual “SIX-PACK” event….Bring no more than 6 ROSES, each separated into simple cans or bottles, to be evaluated by our Judges, Lynne Harrington and Mike Chute, for Ribbons! This is a great way to learn first-hand how ROSES are awarded. Also, bring a potted plant to Swap during Snacks from Members with last names, A to K.

Annual Potluck/Awards of Merit Meeting
Aspray Boat House
2 East View St., Pawtuxet Village, Warwick, RI 02888
Saturday, August 12, 2023
12:00pm – 4:00pm

Our Annual Members Potluck Luncheon by the Bay ! Please join us
as we share food and stories about bugs ! Elissa will be presenting
original insect illustrations for us to view and share stories about.
Nancy will circulate an e-mail to the listserv to corral food
contributions. Angie will be presenting Awards of Merit to our fine
RIRS writers whose work has received recognition by ARS !
Check your e-mail and the RIRS.org web site for up-to-date meeting
detail. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com if you’re not yet on the
RIRS e-mail listserv. Please check your mailing label on the reverse
for your membership expiration date.
Saturday, July 8 th , 2023
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd
Hope (western Cranston line), RI
10:00am – 12:30pm

Take Great Photos with Your Phone! This will be a hands-on workshop so bring your phone with you. Jacqui will also share photography tips for those who don’t have a cellphone or use Big Box Cameras to take photos.
Come enjoy a relaxed time with friends! Members whose last name begin with A-K are invited to bring snacks to share and our new RIRS Note Cards ($12/20) will be for sale too.
Please mind the RIRS listserv and our RIRS.org web site for the most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv. Please check your mailing label for your membership expiration date.
Zoom meetings are restricted to members. Go to the membership page for a membership form and more info
Shepherd of the Valley United Methodist Church
604 Seven Mile Road, Hope, Rhode Island

Entries: 7:00 am – 10:15 am
Judging: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Public Viewing: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Awards Presentation: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Rose Show Chairs: Nancy Gaiewski & Linda Joslin
Directions to Shepherd of the Valley U.M. Church (Corner of Seven Mile Road and Scituate Ave. (Route 12) on Scituate/ Cranston line) From Rte. 295 S: Take Exit 6 for Plainfield Pike/ Rte. 14.
Turn right onto Rte. 14-W Travel .7miles. Continue with the
directions *below.
From Rte. 295N: Take Exit 6 Rte.14/Plainfield Pike.
Turn left onto Rte. 14W. Travel .4 miles. Continue with the
directions *below.
*Turn left at the light onto Comstock Parkway. Travel .6 miles.
Turn right at the light onto Scituate Ave. (Rte. 12). Travel 2.3 miles. Turn right at the blinking light onto Seven Mile Road, take the second driveway on the left into Shepherd of the Valley U. M. Church’s parking lot. The Church is on the corner of Scituate Ave. and Seven Mile Road.

MAY 13, 2023 – 10 AM TO 12:30 PM
IT’S THE DAY BEFORE MOTHER’S DAY, AND, Elissa Della-Piana will give away lots of Creative Floral Arrangements (and her secrets) for making the MOST from ordinary, Market bouquets of blooms. You will have the rest of the day to use making Wonderful Arrangements for your Mom. Don’t miss this!!
Nancy Gaiewski & Linda Joslin will prep us on details to know for the June 10 Rose Show. Show Schedules will be available for pickup.
SPECIAL NOTE: RIRS 2023 ROSE FEST will be held May 6th at Hattoy’s Nursery, 315 Blackrock Rd, Coventry, RI for 10 AM to 3 PM. There will be talks on Basic Rose Care, and CRs available to answer your questions. RIRS members will receive a 10% discount on roses. Come out – enjoy – and support your Society.
Members initialed Q through Z are invited to bring snacks to share.

APRIL 8, 2023 – 10 AM TO 12:30 PM
WELCOME TO SPRING – SOON THE FORSYTHIAS WILL BE IN BLOOM AND WE WILL BE WORKING ON OUR ROSES. Come to this meeting and learn all you need to know on SPRING ROSE CARE. We will have talks (workshops) on: fertilization, watering, sun requirements, pruning, and dealing with bugs and disease. Come bring a friend (plus your questions) and get ready for Spring in the garden. Always sure to learn something new at these meetings. June is not that far away and you want to have beautiful roses for the Rose Show. There will be updates on the June Rose Show given also. Don’t miss this informative meeting.
Members whose last names begin with M to Z are invited to bring snacks to share.
2023 Rose Show link – june 10
25th Anniversary Potluck Luncheon
Saturday, March 11, 2023: 12 Noon-4:00 PM
Shepherd of the Valley Church, 604 Seven Mile Rd. Hope, RI

Please join us at the RI Rose Society’s 25th Anniversary Pot Luck Luncheon and Annual Meeting. Bring your pot luck specialty – an appetizer, hot/cold main dish or a dessert to share — and enjoy the company of fellow members. Please, no alcohol. A brief PowerPoint program looking back at the highlights of the society will be presented by Mike & Angelina Chute.
The meeting includes the installation of the 2023-24 officers, the President’s and Treasurer’s Annual Reports and the awarding of the RIRS Bronze Honor Medal. Information about the Rose Show will be shared and there are still a few classes available to sponsor.
10:AM – TO 12:30

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a BIRD – actually a RAPTOR, high atop the Providence
“Superman” building…! JOIN US on ZOOM, February 11, promptly at 10 for a
Presentation by designer/photographer, PETER GREEN, chronicler of the City’s
Birds of Prey and their fascinating hidden lives among us. Leaving lots of room
for questions and comments.
Rose Society business to follow: the
Election of 2023/2024 Officers, and Updates and Announcements by Nancy & Linda, our Rose Show ’23 co-chairs. If you do not get an invite,
please email… rirsrose@gmail.com
10 AM TO 12:30 PM

START THE YEAR WITH A VIRTUAL MEETING – NO SNOW WORRIES. To help start the year we will be presenting an ARS video of a “WALKING TOUR OF THE CLINTON LODGE PERENNIAL GARDEN” in Fletching, East Sussex, England. Get everyone thinking about the start of the Spring growing season. Following this presentation, we will invite members to recommend garden tours in our country – not just New England but across the country. Time permitting, we will have a CR session to answer any of your winter gardening questions. Snacks and beverages are up to you – join us for this interesting meeting – a brief interlude from winter.
Saturday, December 10th, 2022
Shepherd of the Valley Church
604 Seven Mile Rd , Hope (western Cranston line), RI
10:00am – 12:30

HOLIDAY Meeting “Gleaning the Garden for Holiday Décor” – Elissa will show us how to create wonderful winter decorations with end-of-season flora from our gardens. Lucky Door Prize winners may take home some of her creations ! We invite all members to bring a dish or dessert of their choice and hopefully, you will include the recipe too ! We will also be picking up our gorgeous 2023 calendars so please bring payment with you.
Please mind the RIRS listserv and our RIRS.org web site for the most up-to-date information about this meeting. Contact Patsy at patsygc@gmail.com to be added to the listserv.

Rhode Island Rose Society Zoom Meeting
Saturday, November 12, 2022: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Join us as we return to a VIRTUAL MEETING this month with special guest speaker Dr. Mark Windham from the University of Tennessee who will give a program on Rose Rosette Disease. Don’t miss this ZOOM meeting where you will learn all about RRD, including its symptoms and what to do if you find it in your garden. Dr. Windham will also discuss the ongoing research into this disease and its progress.
A business meeting will follow the program, including a report on upcoming schedule of RIRS 2023 programs and events. Also, final orders will be taken for our 2023 RI Rose Society calendars which will be distributed at the December meeting. The price remains at $10 each. The Zoom link to this meeting will be posted on our RIRS email list.

Rhode Island Rose Society
Saturday, October 8, 2022, 10 AM – 12:30 PM
Weaver Library
41 Grove Ave, East Providence, RI 02914
Time to look through your phone and computer for photos you have taken of roses, rose gardens and rose events. All styles of photos are welcome including macros and abstracted. Six photo entries are allowed per membership. Remember that the 12 highest winners will be featured on the months of our calendar so horizontal photos that would print as 8×10 or 8.5×11 are preferred. The photos can be emailed as full size attachments to patsygc@gmail.com, or they can be easily uploaded to dropbox (see our Google listserv for link). You can also send me a thumbdrive if you prefer. All photos are due by October 4 at 11PM. Please name your files with rose name and your name/initials like Peace PC.jpg.
Everyone who enters will have photos in the calendar!
The photos will be presented in a Powerpoint. You need to be present at the meeting to vote
Orders will be taken for RIRS embroidered clothing
Members whose last names start with A-L, please bring a snack to share.